July 31, 2023

What Is a “Tree Surgeon?”

People often use the terms tree surgeon and arborist interchangeably, and while these titles have similarities, they also hold key differences.

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March 29, 2023

5 Spring Tree Maintenance Tips for Disease-Free Trees

When the days get longer, the sun shines more brightly, and the temperatures creep back to the scorching heat levels we expect in our area – it means that spring has officially sprung here in North Central Florida.

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February 24, 2023

Stump Removal FAQs

There are numerous reasons to remove a tree from your home or business’s landscape.

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January 17, 2023

Tending To Your Trees During Winter

As we are right in the middle of Florida’s cooler months, caring for your trees may not be top of mind, but this dormant (ie.

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December 7, 2022

Dangerous Beauty: How to Tell if Your Trees Are Out to Get You

It may sound dramatic, but saying that your trees could potentially hurt you or your family is not as big of an exaggeration as you might think.

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